Table 4-2 Recommended detector locations and timing settings for multiple detector technique.Table 4-1 Recommended distance between stop line and detector.4.7.5 Detection Design for Low-Speed Traffic Movements.4.7.4 Detection Design for High-Speed Approaches.4.4.3 Lead-Lag Left-Turn Phase Sequence.4.4.1 Lead-Lead Left-Turn Phase Sequence.4.3.6 Guidelines for Selecting Left-Turn Phasing.4.3.5 Prohibition of Left-Turns as a Phasing Option.4.3.3 Protected-Permissive Left-Turn Phasing.4.3.1 Permissive Only Left-Turn Phasing.4.1.1 Relationship between Signal Timing and Traffic Control Design.CHAPTER 4 TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN TABLE OF CONTENTS